As you know that, jQuery can be do that:
$("div").find("a").attr("href", "").css("color", "#f00");
$(“div”) function return jQuery object, find() function also resturn jQuery object, so you can call jQuery function and call jQuery function again in one statement.
It is a problem to determine html elements are exist, because jQuery never return null. Below statement cannot check elements are exist.
if ($("div#sample") != null){ //do something } else { alert("not exist"); }
Javascipt never run ‘alert(“not exist”);’ statement, because $(“div#sample”) never return null.
How to determine elements are exist? You can call size() function to check.
if ($("div#sample").size() > 0){ //do something } else { alert("not exist"); }
if size() return zero, that meaning jQuery cannot find some elements.
Use javascript length properties also can do that:
if ($("div#sample").length > 0){ //do something } else { alert("not exist"); }
if length properties equal zero, that meaning jQuery cannot find some elements.